Free Cursors
Dun look back to the past...enjoy the present...hope for the future ^^: songs i have in my phone....


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Sunday, February 22, 2009

songs i have in my phone....

i actually have quite a lot of songs(my resource a lot one leh)
i have english songs(of course la)
i have chinese songs(only a few)
i have one japanese song( the D-gray man op INNOCENT SORROW)
i have one hokkien song( JI PA BAN!!!)
i have singaporean songs like "i live in singapura"( so funny)
i also have podcasts like "mr brown show" and 2 "muttons to midnight"( both so funny)
i have weird sounds like machine gun and evil laugh
walao i now realize i need more leh, but how, i dun noe how to download songs( or too lazy).
the total i have nw huh, is 91( including the songs that the phone originally have(those classic songz)
i noe my one of my xnps classmates deleted those classic songz but still have about more than 100 songz( maybe even more than 500)
ah la ma
i typed too much liao
the sentences so long
i prefer short
simpler to read
maybe because i prefer spacious
because my size...
walao i insulting myself
but i admit lah
i very fat
should lose weight
but lucky the new condo i moving to has a gym
well of course wat
if no gym the condo is not a condo
so after i move there
i will try to lose weight
but of course can start now lah
just get it done before NS

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